January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

So, 2012 is finally here. A long overdue (as in "is he REALLY still doing that project thing") post on the Knopf Project is in store. The project as a whole is a failure, but a success. Viking will explain shortly.

With projects in mind (and failed ones at that), Viking thought it best to start the new year right - more posting, more tweeting, more blogging. As Whitney Cummings said recently - "if you don't post twice a week or more, you're not a blogger."

So, Viking may have some design changes in mind to increase readability, and some other surprises in store. With that, Viking has decided to publish his list of reading resolutions for the New Year. Off to the list!

Viking will finally finish, in January:

1. Master and Margarita (have read it before, but a long time ago). Currently stuck on p. 234 (you mean you stopped in the MIDDLE OF A CHAPTER!?!?!)

2. Lolita - know what it's all about; tried to read many times. Currently stuck on p.73

3. Madame Bovary - have read other translations before; Currently stuck on p. 61 of Lydia Davis' new translation.

4. Catch 22 - no excuse here. Currently stuck on p. 246 of the modern library edition after a valiant, sprinting (if I do say so myself) effort back in August.

Other than these more modest reading goals, I think the main resolution has to be to purchase fewer books based on good reviews and read more books that I already own, which, perhaps, includes other books purchased on the strength of good reviews alone, but whose allure tarnished as the days passed.

What are your reading goals? What are your New Year's Resolutions?


Joe said...

Happy New Year, Viking. Glad you haven't given up on the project. My New Year's resolution is to get your new address. . .because we sent our XMas card to your old house by accident.
Take care and happy reading.

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